9 Amazing Reasons On Why You Should Use Chatbots In Your Business

9 Amazing Reasons On Why You Should Use Chatbots In Your Business

The world is now beginning to be more interconnected and digitised as chatbots are becoming the customers’ and companies’ best supporters. They are conversational and designed to instantly answer user’s questions. For instance, the robot to whom you ask questions about a product and appears in the tiny pop-up window at the bottom-right corner of your screen is a chatbot. It usually pops up when you’re doing online shopping or when you first visit a company’s website.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting in the way of day-to-day activities and since chatbots are part of the equation, they’re getting instantly smart. Brands can use them to automate some of the routine interactions and meet customer expectations. They are more simple than conversational agents which can be connected via various APIs and this enables them to deal with a wider range of customers’ requests. They can also automate repetitive and tedious tasks like emailing customers and prospects, answering FAQs and many more.

One of the many reasons to find chatbots awesome? They are very versatile and they have many more use cases, used in the Human Resources(HR) management, in schools’ administration and more fields. Some basic chatbots are also called rules-based chatbots; good at handling simple tasks, suggesting products or making appointments. Some – very high-performance chatbots, called Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots use Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) to perfect their understanding of the user’s inputs. Haven’t thought of implementing a chatbot? Let us guide you through why you should use the chatbot in your business.


9 Amazing Reasons On Why You Should Use Chatbots In Your Business

1. Available 24/7.

2. Generate more conversations.

3. Handle multiple customers at the same time.

4. They aren’t subject to mood swings.

5. Effectively collect and analyse data.

6. Help you personalise your conversations with customers.

7. Speak multiple languages.

8. Good at automating many processes.

9. Suitable to be deployed anywhere.

With us, you can easily create a chatbot for your customers and then deploy it on as many channels as you prefer from Messenger to Whatsapp. The more channels your chatbot will be deployed on, the more customers you will be able to reach.

Discover how Accordia Chatbot is trained to answer queries in multiple languages and can help you reach out to many users, making the integration process smooth, simpler and easier. Offer engaging conversations, fast replies and personalised help to your customers with a friendly bot.


Source: https://www.ideta.io/blog-posts-english/top-9-reasons-why-you-should-use-a-chatbot-in-your-business

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