Call Blending (CB)

Integration of in-bound & out-bound services

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What is Accordia Call Blending?

The Call Blending (CB) provides the capabilities for your agent to make out-bound calls as well as receive in-bound calls without affecting your In-bound Calls Service Level.

Out-bound call centers plays an important role in present business scenarios. Though some call centers work only on an in-bound operation, most work on both. These are usually the bigger call centers that may have separate groups of agents specializing in in-bound and out-bound calls.

However, smaller call centers may have agents from time to time to handle both in-bound and out-bound operations as it could be costly to have entirely different sets of agents dedicated to incoming or outgoing calls respectively. For such contact centers, the biggest concern and challenge is striking a balance between in-bound and out-bound operations, so that there are enough agents to handle calls when the call volume rises, and to ensure that productivity does not decline when the call volume drops.

To illustrate, if the in-bound agents remain idle for a particular amount of time, they can be used for outbound operations. Similarly, in a collections handling department for instance, receiving calls is as important as placing calls, so your agents can be used for both.

Call Blending: Integration of in-bound & out-bound services

Accordia’s Call Blending is able to detect the status of your agents to determine if there are any in-bound calls in the queue before routing an out-bound call to your agent. Call centers are able to :

  • Optimize productivity
  • Maximize agents’ skills & time
  • Guarantee customers satisfaction

Benefits of Accordia’s Call Blending (CB)

Increase agents’ productivity

A blended call center helps to build a highly-skilled team that is proficient in managing both in-bound and out-bound calls. With agents’ well-rounded skillset, they are in better positions to help customers in resolving matters that are important. Moreover, this encourages positivity towards lower turnover rates as CB prompts them to work more comfortably and diligently.

Cost effective

Reduce abandoned calls by incorporating an out-bound team as back-up. This helps to lower call queue time and increases agents’

Prioritizing customer satisfaction helps establish strong brand value

Maintain and improve customer service levels by pooling idle resources. Customers issues can be retorted much swiftly with reduced holding period.

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