Everything You Need to Know: Omnichannel 2023

Everything You Need to Know: Omnichannel 2023

Studies conducted by ReportLinker show that “Global Retail Omni-Channel Commerce Platform Market” is set to reach USD 14.6 Billion by 2026. The US being the leading market to adopt the technology, followed closely by Europe, and it seemed Asia has been the slowest to adopt. However, the pandemic has accelerated the introduction and the idea of a full adoption of Omni-Channel Commerce Platform in these parts of the world, particularly here in Malaysia.

Despite its’ acceleration, and the proof of consumers purchasing through the rise in Social Commerce especially for SMEs, many local businesses are hesitant to integrate the technology in a full scale-holistic manner. What are the concerns?

It seemed the headwind faced by local businesses in adopting the technology fully are the major concerns of the investment size, or perhaps the lack of understanding on how Omni-Channel Platforms work, therefore dismissing the importance of what this very crucial investment entails.

Just as the English Proverb Quotes, “Time and Tide Waits for No Man” is the stark truth. Why should your business be the last to adopt this technology while losing out to capitalize on sales? With an anchor here in Malaysia, rest assured support is reachable with a local office.

The beauty of Omnichannel solution is that it can be deployed either by Cloud, whereby it’s hosted and managed by cloud contact centre solution on a subscription basis, or On-Premise which is fully owned and operated. Both are customizable solutions to an extent.

Deep diving a little into the world of Accordia Omni, an all-in-one easy to navigate Omnichannel Platform through Accordia Voice, Chat, Desk and Social. Breaking it down for you.

>> Accordia Voice • A telephony software system phone supporting conversations.

Evolving from managing traditional in-bound and out-bound calls separately, this system does exactly what you had in mind when you made the decision to upgrade the current one to a new telephony system for your company.

An advanced telephony software system that allows for more personal and productive phone support conversations. “Meaningful conversations and time saved” are the keywords that your customers will take away, upon adoption of this system.

How does it work? With an Integrated Voice Response, customers are able to reach out and receive a response to their questions day or night. As the system provides 24/7 interactive voice response solution that gives the option for your call centers to automate services and transactions that typically require assistance from live customer service representatives, via voice commands or touch tone key selection. Examples of scheduling of appointments after working hours, or even the simple task of tracking balance of payment for your customers leading to better collection in outstanding funds for your company.

More plus points are being more cost effective in the long run leading to better return of investments (ROI), personalizing messages, and gaining brand loyalty through superior customer service.

>> Accordia Chatbots, Live Chat & Social • A must in Riding the wave of Social Commerce

Make it a requirement to have Chatbots, WhatsApp-chatbots and Social Media reach, this would allow your business to scale to greater heights. A natural lead generator besides being a customer service engagement tool.

With one interface, the reach to customers would be instant via these messaging channels, connecting through web and voice in a single platform. Doing away with the need to switch from multiple channels just to fulfill the customers queries. More accurate information is provided. Again it helps automate your frontline support with consistent instant responses, and the beauty of multilingual chatbots especially for local markets. Escalating more complex queries to live agents when needed.

Capitalize on customers in real-time with automated marketing content, promotions, reminders or alerts. Accordia Social covers channels on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram Message, and more. With the right personalization of customer engagement to upsell and cross-sell, it will help increase reach, conversions, boost sales, and ultimately revenues.

A survey study conducted by Accenture finds that shopping on Social Media platforms is expected to reach $1.2 Trillion globally by 2025. Predicting drivers for this growth would be Gen Z and Millennial accounting for 62% of global social commerce.

>> Accordia Desk • Automated Ticketing System and more

An automated ticketing system that empowers your customer service to offer omnichannel support and enables various CRM integration ensuring quality interactions with your customers in a more personalized manner.

Having one CRM system and not the other, is what most companies are facing. But why then is there a slower growth as compared to companies in the US, in engaging CRM services? The reluctance in engaging with a CRM company that is not locally based might be one of the reasons. With Accordia, we have a physical presence here in Malaysia, and a dedicated team of sales associates to take care of you.

Presenting a 360° view of your customer by integrating with any CRM via Accordia CTI bridge would be our forte. Helping your supervisors to manage the team and customers expectations all within the same sphere. With the help of an omnichannel helpdesk ticketing system, it can also cut down on repetitive work and shift focus of your agent’s time to more productive tasks.

It also helps to extract the right data with Smart Analytics and Reports. Monitor all channels in one place to achieve better business’s KPIs and performance. View analytics and data such as chat volumes, SLA status, user engagement, and more on a single dashboard to gain better customer insights for future product and services planning.

As we have entered the last quarter of 2022, a decision must be made for your company’s future. Speak to our specialist, where we can help you to understand your customers better in achieving seamless communication and unified customer journeys.

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