Seamless AUTOMATION makes’ CX BETTER together – Are you happy with your CX turnaround time?

Seamless AUTOMATION makes’ CX BETTER together – Are you happy with your CX turnaround time?

The way we are experiencing technology has evolved greatly, and is still evolving at a tremendous rate. Quantum leap in technology has given birth to new businesses and gig economies. Enabling both new and traditional businesses to prosper, covering different industries booming in a short span of time.

However, the amazing science behind human DNA is an undeniable truth that humans crave communication. It has never changed since the dawn of time, even boldly saying all humans need a certain level of attention. The more attention is given, and if the outcome is a happy conversation, the more favour one is bestowed upon.

Perhaps with this need to connect, the introduction of the era’s very first idea of how “modern” customer service is established. Made possible with the creation of the Telephone by Alexander Graham-Bell back in 1876. Why modern? Because a discovery of one of the earliest “customer service complaints’ ‘ dates as far back as 1750BCE in ancient Mesopatamia. Source:Complaint tablet to Ea-nāṣir

Today, Customer Service is much improved as compared to even 5 years ago, attributing to the acceleration of changes caused by the Covid19 pandemic. However Customers have an insatiable need to be heard, coupled with changes of behaviour according to the times. These days, customers want to be heard INSTANTLY!

The question one begs to differ is are you happy with your customer service team turnaround time? What are they lacking, and most importantly how can you improve your team’s productivity?

Here are some highlights on how SEAMLESS AUTOMATION makes for a BETTER Customer Service experience together.

1. Immersive CX: Automate with OMNICHANNEL

Immersive Customer Service or for short – Immersive CX is the confirmed new era of Customer Service, solidifying it’s position this year in 2023.

Birth from the evolution of customers behaviour, where they emerged from the pandemic phase. Customers know that communication through a virtual assistant – chatbots can give them an instant answer. But at the sametime they also need human elements of speaking to a live agent, creating a more real experience. Or perhaps sub-consciously validating that their issues have been resolved. Therefore corporate companies or SMEs should not slow down in upgrading their CX technology solution.

One sure way is by automation with Omnichannel. Building an omnichannel-first workspace allows your agents to reach respectively their and your goal of an easy and seamless experiential customer service for your customers.Connecting all the dots between your Social Media account, web, integration of WhatsApp business, and a call centre.

All these are achievable by a BROWSER BASED IP Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) contact solution which can facilitate remote work, it also enables SMART ROUTING where it directs customers request by applying precise routing for a particular case to the correct agent who is able to handle it. Therefore, boosting customer confidence that your brand really knows them personally. Not only that, cost is manageable as it is scalable and flexible. Meeting businesses with a budget in mind.

With automation of these in place, it allows for the customers to fully immersed in the experience and enhance a greater appreciation of your product or services.

“Nine out of 10 consumers want an omnichannel experience with seamless service between communication methods. Source: CX Today”

“FACT: E-commerce sales rose by about 35 percent year-over-year since the onset of the pandemic, and online penetration remains about 30 percent higher than pre-COVID-19 levels. Source McKinsey”

2. What are the directions?

Short Term Direction: A Social Media CX Team support

Traditionally, the Marketing and Customer Service department in an organisation takes care of Social Media. Replying to customer service ad-hoc at a time. However, the climate is changing and to remain competitive some companies have empowered a group of CX teams to directly answer customers on these social media platforms itself.

Thus training is important, as the responses are published where everyone can view. Relying on this alone is insufficient, because if the team does not have the right tools/access to information, how will they address the customer’s problem?

Therefore Automation is also important where in one click, the agents are able to access required information.

Near Term Direction: AI takes over.

Perhaps in the near term, ai powered bots are able to answer the different questions posted. Blurring the lines between bot and humans. Ever heard of ChatGPT? A new era has truly begun.

Long Term Direction: Visual and audio solutions could be the future, instead of text.

Short video clips of explanations are not new to society. Be honest, we “Google” how-to-do this on “Youtube” and even “TikTok” all the time. These have been popular channels to gather information.

Experts have foreseen this could be the future of customer service engagement as well. Where customers prefer a virtual visual bot to interact with instead of only typing a text.

3. Achieving Faster Turnaround Time

Automation such as Omnichannel allows your business to achieve optimization of FRT – First Turnaround Time. Will FRT be even relevant in the near future on how you grade your agents performance?

With these automation in place, it allows for the customers to be fully immersed in the experience and enhance a greater appreciation of your product or services. Optimizing turnaround time is achievable. Allowing your supervisors to focus on more meaningful team engagements. Driving better results in both customers and employees.

Find out more from our experts on how Automation can help. A FREE DEMO on real-time experiences and the wonders of Omnichannel is able to help your customers service team to bring it to the next level.

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