The Importance of CRM for Logistics Company

The Importance of CRM for Logistics Company

“Leaders win through logistics. Vision, sure. Strategy, yes. But when you go to war, you need to have both toilet paper and bullets at the right place at the right time. In other words, you must win through superior logistics.”
– Tom Peters – Rule #3: Leadership Is Confusing As Hell, Fast Company, March 2001

Conquerors of the past and present have always understood the importance of Logistics. Wars are won through intelligence delivered in the nick of time, turning a dire situation into a winning one.

In today’s world of Logistics and Transportation, the literal meaning has been turned into a different context entirely. Empires are built from the speed of delivery of parcels be it big or small, large or small quantity, and even transportation of humans. Traditionally the role of logistics is handled by the National Post, with time involved, there are chances for private logistics companies to flourish, thus starting an era.

Fast forward to today, ecommerce growth is at its peak, giving rise to gig economies, which in turn fuel the need for Logistics Companies handling daily logistic needs. Everyone would wish for a magic door just to receive their parcel immediately. But unfortunately, quantum leap has not been made a reality as yet. That’s where the ‘Importance of Customer Service” come into play.

“The Base of a reliable Logistics Company is a Strong Foundation in Customer Support”

Here are 4 Great Reasons Why Your Logistics Company Should Invest in CRM
Distance is your business; Customer Service is Ours

Should you already have a great delivery operations team, one must also think about investing in Intelligent Customers Service Framework. One that can support your operations team. Omnichannel is the answer to establishing a single seamless platform. Sometimes, your customer’s concern in regards to the delivery is not about the high-value of the parcel, it’s the assurance of the parcel which is of sentimental value where once lost it can never be recovered. How to give this assurance? By being able to reach your customer service agents pronto.

Logistics Business is Beyond Point A to Point B

It’s not only about delivering a parcel or a person from one point to the next. It’s also about assurance. Making it easy for a customer to check and track their parcel live, eases their worries, boosting their confidence in your services. With Intelligent Chatbots you are able to allow your customers to inquire, track or cancel their delivery.

Now Everyone can Own a Logistic Company. Win through Superior Logistics.

With the lucrative booming business of Logistics companies riding the waves of ecommerce, it seems everyone with enough capital can start one today. Hence, a strong reliable Customer Care Team is a game changer for your company to stand-out. Superior Logistics!

Budget Mitigation and IR4.0 Benefits

Also, talent acquisition has always been a challenge, your HR might hire and train customer service agents today, only to have them throw in the towel tomorrow. Thus, losing consistency in customer service quality. With our Knowledge Base (KB) services, one doesn’t have to worry. With better consistent customer service, you might even be able to add-premium services to your rates. Discerning customers will pay more for reliable services.

In order to encourage businesses to adopt IR4.0, there are government initiatives which you can also take advantage of such as SME DIGITISATION GRANT. Reach out to our associates to find out more. Set an appointment with us where we can answer any demo and more in-depth questions.

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