The rise and RISE OF GENERATIVE AI in 2024.

The rise and RISE OF GENERATIVE AI in 2024.

What with Generative AI’s extreme presence last year dominating every website, social media, being constantly on the latest tech-trends and news, to different governmental bodies in various countries, to private sectors in almost all industries, trickling down to the creative peeps which were one of the most apprehensive of its most recent re-birth or rather re-introduction to the commercial world (rightly so in some ways due copy-rights issues ..etc), and its exponential growth and still growing. It’s understandable if one is still apprehensive about Generative AI and its usages.

In every different phase of generation, from Baby Boomers, to Generation X, the height of Millennials, and of course Gen-Zs, there’s always that one-epic-movie etched in your mind where robots with enhanced artificial intelligence take over the world. As for me, it has always been the sleek-mercury-turning into steel like figure of T-1000 played by Robert Patrick in Terminator 2!

Perhaps your apprehensiveness is akin to the thoughts as such. “The notion taps into primal fears of losing autonomy and being replaced by our own creations. As technology advances, this theme becomes increasingly relevant, mirroring the rapid progress in artificial intelligence and automation. In our contemporary context, where discussions about the ethical implications of AI and its impact on employment are prevalent, the fear of a robotic uprising feels more immediate and resonant than ever.” Source: 10 Best Movies Where Robots Take Over, Ranked by Matt Watkins.

Dramatic isn’t it? Well, it’s high time to put these fears to rest, and instead embrace this change more so as you kick-off the year 2024. You want to start your business with the right Technological high-note without unnecessary fears.

🫰🏼Embracing Generative AI with arms and eyes wide open.

Accordia’s team having had the opportunity to listen first hand from Zack Kass, former head of go-to-market strategy at OpenAI/ AI Optimist the different phases as well as the pros and cons of Generative AI, during last year’s Malaysia Digital Expo 2023 (MDX 2023) organized by MDEC. An eye opener, viewing from a positive perspective. Especially to business owners who rely on a large network and support from CX agents or business partners, these thoughts ring true on why one should implement Omnichannel solutions powered by generative AI.

The Human agents are the drivers in optimizing the technology should you integrate it into your systems. How does it benefit your business? For easy understanding, one can break it down to four simple phases:

Phase 1> Enhanced Applications: By now, one would have heard the word Generative AI and its versatility. Generative AI is able to help enhance text, images, assisting in problem solving at a higher level for the humans which are using it.

In the first phase, AI is integrated into existing applications to enhance their functionality. This involves using machine learning algorithms and other AI techniques to improve specific features or tasks within applications. Examples include image recognition in photo apps, recommendation systems in e-commerce platforms, and natural language processing in chatbots.

Here are some of the Key Characteristics for better understanding:
Narrow AI: The AI is specialized and designed to perform a specific task or set of tasks.
Task Automation: AI is used to automate and optimize certain functions within applications.
Limited Scope: The AI’s capabilities are confined to the predefined tasks it was designed for.

Take for example, if your customer’s base grows, but you have the same number of human agents. They are still able to optimize customer service satisfaction based on first greetings. How? Generative AI infused tech will be able to help these agents draw out the client’s history. Allowing the human agents to have viable info on the client’s history and proposing the right next-course of action. In-directly building trust and assisting the many customer service shared centers (CSaaS) in optimizing capacity.

Phase 2> Agent-powered applications: Virtual assistants are not something new today. We have come thus far with the flexibility of working remotely, while still being able to offer the support required for different businesses.

The Generative AI powered tech is able to take these offerings to the next step. Instead of a human agent controlling the application, an AI powered agent will be able to perform the preliminary task of its predecessors. The technology is created to be more personalized-type virtual assistants that learn user preferences. It is intelligent enough as a customer service chatbot, and capable of handling complex queries. For example, now one can rely on AI powered agents planning your vacation. Whereby it efficiently helps crawl information on the best budget suited within your requirements for logistics such as flights, car rentals, and event accommodation. Improvements in AI-powered virtual shopping assistants providing personalized product recommendations are the future. Perhaps one day it might be fully automated.

However as of now, we as humans, especially the Malaysian travelers, when it comes down to the final confirmation and before payment we prefer to speak to a human agent. Thus, the human travel agent will be the final confirmation. Giving confidence to the client and freeing up time for the agent to engage and service even more clients. A win-win situation!

Phase 3> AI-powered operating system: An artificial intelligence operating system (AIOS):
Siri by Apple is one of the earliest most well known AI-powered OS. Followed by Google Assistant, Cortana and more. Today one might say, if that OS (Operating System) does not integrate AI, will the system actually survive its usage?

In this phase, AI becomes deeply integrated into the operating systems of devices, creating a more cohesive and intelligent user experience. The AI acts as a central orchestrator, managing various tasks, optimizing performance, and providing a seamless and personalized environment for users. It’s really no more just creating an app for your fellow users/clients. It’s about enhancing the App with AI powered technology. Being able to interact, record and give back extreme positive value to the users. Consumers are getting more tech-sensitive. The users will remember the difference between OS who are AI-powered from those which are not.

Phase 4> AGI ( Artificial general intelligence ):

“An artificial general intelligence is a hypothetical type of intelligent agent. If realized, an AGI could learn to accomplish any intellectual task that human beings or animals can perform. Source: aws.”

When AI reaches AGI in your businesses adopted technology, it will be a whole new level of running your business. The developers of AGI envisions the technology whereby the AI possesses human-like cognitive abilities across a broad spectrum of tasks. The AGI would have the capability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge in a manner comparable to human intelligence, transcending specific domains.

Should machines be able to operate with such efficiency, it will free up more time and perhaps finance to embark on more diverse ventures in a short amount of time. But of course, time plays a factor on how fast can AGI come into fruition and be introduced in the future.

😱Why do many fear of Generative AI? Here are the main four reasons, let us help lay to rest.

1. Idiocracy type experience
2. Job displacement
3. Widespread misinformation
4. Existentialism.

The first reason, alludes to my introduction. The fear of technology and ultimately the demise of human intellect. As advanced robots help humans to think, we evidently become more and more dull, rendering us – humans incapable of forming our own thoughts or a deeper thinking using our god-given faculties. Drawing of course from the movie introduced in 2006 – Idiocracy. As humans, we cannot and never stop learning.

The second biggest fear, the loss of jobs. When robotic arms were first introduced in the automotive industries, there was truly a shift in job-profile. Yes, while some lost their jobs, others were trained to be handling these mechanical arms. From servicing to safety aspects. In the end, it has proven efficiency in producing more quantity with quality. New job roles were also then created.

Third is the fear mongering and causing widespread misinformation by using ChatGPT in its early days. I guess the AI’s answers were in a context where it seemed it wanted to take over the world! However, did the human ask the correct question?

We humans are still flesh, blood, and soul. We have emotions, empathy and sound judgment. Education is still very much important in helping shape minds to think and make the right informed decisions. Coming to the fourth reasoning of Existentialism and what it means. Hence, as humans we enhance on different skills-set, with the birth of AGI. To enhance our capabilities, and not fearing the future.

We at Accordia Global have developed our very own AI powered – ACE Chatbot. Not only bots, we haven been providing holistic Omnichannel CX Solution to SMEs, easy to deploy and manageable all within a single platform. Let us demonstrate!

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