Why Do I need to wait till 9AM to Shop for a Car?

Why Do I need to wait till 9AM to Shop for a Car?

On a daily basis, my mind and body are begging me for “me time” after settling down for the day and my phone is my best companion. Swiping across social media or ticking on my checklist of things to buy is a norm, you could regard it as nomophobia or even phubbing!

Social media push ads or even Google ads have been ‘tailing’ me to trigger interest and purchase. One such ad that successfully caught my attention was the latest car model with a shout of promotion and deals. I’ve been ‘Googling cars lately. Scavenging for information such as pricing, features, booking for car viewing at the showroom, and more to get instant information. Obviously, certain information I would have to wait for the next work day to inquire as I do not expect anyone to respond to me at 2 AM.

No wonder folks in the automotive industry have been making effort in adopting digital transformation for a better customer online experience by upgrading their customer service technology.

How’s that so, you ask? Let me share some ideas on how you, as an Automotive Dealer/Seller can turn ‘my’ inquiries into a Confirmed Sale while building customer loyalty, yes, at 2 AM!

Step 1 ✦ Pique my interest

Scrolling through my social media newsfeed, the ones that pique my interest to stop and click into your ads are the latest car models, captivating short video introductions, and of course attention-grabbing promotions. The next trick is how are you going to make me stay engaged continuously on my favourite or preferred social media platforms?

Do you know Accordia Social could do wonders in Social Commerce? It allows your business’s social accounts to remain connected with your customers’ preferred channels while sending automated responses to your customers during peak or after-office hours. It could be via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, or Instagram; thus ensuring your investment in social media marketing is worthwhile, consequently optimizing customers’ social commerce experience.

What’s more? Integrating social media with a CRM platform could garner better customer profiling and understanding in boosting personalization for better targeting. Your sales, marketing, or customer service team will thank you with the customer information they need for upselling and cross-selling.

Step 2 ✦ I don’t mind chatting with a Chatbot.

After having piqued my interest, the excitement of this new car model is slowly growing. Curiosity with the many questions that I want to find out instantly burst into my mind. At 2 AM in the morning, you’ve surely had my full attention. I’ve spotted a Chat icon that is entirely perfect for me to express my excitement about inquiries I have in my head! I’m unsure if I can afford this car model, which I may be shy to ask face-to-face, but I might be a little braver to inquire behind the screen.

That’s where having Chatbots, or even WhatsApp Business API bots integrated with your business messaging apps is important. In these times, consumers don’t only want immediate response in real-time, they have come to expect it as the norm. The bots are there after working hours to address these needs.

Accordia Chat reaches out in real-time. Ensure the best first customer experience by automating with bots, which you can also then opt to divert to human live chat to customers 24/7 on messaging apps, even after office hours. Rest assured your customers have experience a chatbot once or twice by now. Take it a step further by automating with bots and divert to human customer service live chat through your preferred messaging apps.

Did you know based on Juniper Research, that 80% routine questions get answered, speeding up response times. In effect Chatbot allows $ 8 billion savings for businesses that implemented the technology.

Step 3 ✦ I may need a reminder after our Chat.

I can’t stop thinking about our conversation, and the information shared, the promotion is certainly attractive but I think I need time to consider. After all, purchasing a car is a commitment. Furthermore, I’ve been a targeted potential buyer whereby adverts are targeting me with more promotions on cars of various brands.

Unavoidable fact that the AI on Social Media will start to crawl, and divert related searched information to these particular customers. You may think if there’s a solution to grasp hold the attention of this potential lead and turn it into a confirmed sale ?

Accordia Voice might be just the netting your marketing efforts require. With a telephony software system that allows for more personal, and productive phone support conversations. Your customer service representative could just connect with the customer on the next work day via social messaging platforms, or make a personalized call to the potential buyer to keep the conversation going.

Alternatively, tap into Accordia CIS IVR Voice Broadcast notable features which enable route-to-route options for customers to transfer to sales or customer service queue in just a click. You may also segment your customers for targeted voice broadcast campaigns while controlling the cost of investment with the number of calls to be sent out. All you need to do is just to schedule your broadcast promotional messages and upload contact information via the excel or CSV format into the Accordia broadcast system. No doubt, you will be able to make better business decision-making with the ready smart analytics and reports based on your voice broadcasting campaign.

Step 4 ✦ Here’s the Booking Fee! Wonder if their after-sales-service team will be as good?

As a customer, I’m now convinced, with the assurance of having made the right decision, I place the booking fee for my new car! However, I do wonder will the after sales experience be as good?

After sales customer service is important not only to take care of the customers existing needs, but also acting as a continuous revenue stream. Accordia Desk is an automated ticketing system that empowers your customer service to offer omnichannel support and enables various CRM integration; to ensure quality interactions with individual clients.

With CRM integration into your business platform, you could share signed documents, warranties, reminders on car collection date, a picture of the customer getting hold of the key of their car, reminders of car servicing day, and more!

The best of both worlds is to have the power of choice. With Accordia Solutions, you always have deployment options to fit your business needs and automotive customers’ preferences. Allowing you to decide where you would like to scale first, and flexible enough to expand the support or an upgrade of the technology when the time is right. Choose from either Cloud deployment which is hosted, and managed cloud contact centre solution by subscription based. Or you can choose On-Premise deployment, by owning a fully operated contact centre solution. Both of these solution are of course scalable.

An omnichannel solution which elvate engagement, and the journey with your customers, is the key to your automotive business success. How to utilize this opportunity is yours to decide. You have our full support with sound advise each step of the way. However the first step to this journey begins’ with inquiring with our experts today.

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