Posts by: accordia

Create An Effortless Digital E-commerce Customer Experience

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If your e-commerce store has been in the biz network for a long time, you would have known that creating a killer product isn’t enough. The products you create have a huge impact on the future success of your business.

Imagine this, you go to your favourite store of clothes, and accessories and then you want to pick the product you require but the future e-commerce is different. You no longer need to walk into a store but check out a brand’s promotions, new offerings and services online through its website or with omnichannel assistance.

The question is, how do you create an effortless digital e-commerce Customer Experience? Businesses can truly enjoy visitors converting to buyers only if they choose to improve e-commerce CX following these 3 brilliant steps. Let’s discover this further.

1. Make customers happy
Most businesses understand that to retain customers, they need to work hard to provide a frictionless and effortless customer service experience for existing and potential buyers. After all, good customer service and after-sales are greater when a customer enjoys the experience while shopping at your online store and then talks about your offers to their friends and family.

2. Be omnipresent
With various choices on the internet, customers are spoiled and you need to ensure the right channels cater to their current demands and needs. Their arising needs for the current era means you have to reach them in seconds via social channels or messaging platforms. For instance, most customers like to utilize Facebook or Instagram direct messaging to interact with their favourite brands.
It is so easy and convenient for them to find products online through social media platforms and some even find the shopping cart an easy way to pick interesting products for future purchases.

3. Providing good customer service, support and after-sales experience.
The first thing that customers see is your e-commerce website. Is it appealing enough? Do they come back to search for more of your offerings? These are the questions you need to find answers. Most customers who go through your e-commerce website find it amusing when the web page and the content don’t load properly or when they don’t find it easy to search for a product on your site.

When your website is easy to read and navigate, customers will be happy and look forward to visiting your website even more often. The e-commerce world is filled with many options to choose from and if you don’t want to be a choice to your customers, then you need to upgrade your service levels. Shopify research shows that 53% of retailers are investing in tools that allow them to sell anywhere. This clearly shows a huge shift in customer behaviour, especially between physical and digital e-commerce.
Providing efficient support with an effective omnichannel strategy is the way forward. It helps your employee interactions with customers run smoothly and also for customers to stay with your brand for longer period of time. Customer loyalty shows how successful your digital e-commerce CX is. Discover how Accordia Omni can help your e-commerce business convert web visitors to loyal customers and enhance the Customer Experience.


How Omnichannel Boosts SMEs’ Customer Service? Pain points Vs. Solutions for SMEs

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How Omnichannel Boosts SMEs Customer Service? Pain points Vs. Solutions for SMEs

SMEs play an important role here in Malaysia, making up for 97.2% of the total business demographic locally. Generating a strong growth of 38.2% GDP, this growth allows employment opportunities for 7.3 Million people here in Malaysia.

The government has in its role encouraged the growth of SMEs by providing a competitive financing ecosystem through diversified funding options, in order to enable Malaysian SMEs to have easier access to the funding required in order to meet their needs at different stages for continued growth. Source: OECD ilibrary.

As an entrepreneur the business by which you have started, seeing it grow sustainably with a measure of profits today is born out of passion, blood, many sleepless nights and much perseverance. At this point of time, every customer is precious as SMEs do not have the luxury of losing even one customer per se. Business sales by volume is not yet on your side and would be where you are looking to expand further.

Hence, wouldn’t it be wise to then ensure the next investment for the company’s structure be a long-term beneficial one instead of engaging only band aid solutions?

We can’t deny the stages of SMEs growth are plagued with pain points especially in the customer support area, let us address these points and how Accordia’s Omnichannel customer service solution can help with the acceleration of business process flow.

SMEs Pain Points Vs. Solutions:

⚡ Pain Point 1: High Turn Over Talent, and Countering Employee Burnout

Human capital is vital to a company’s growth. Working ethics have changed greatly over the years. The Millennials that many start-up companies hire will most probably not have the same loyalty as employees of the older generations.

Many companies do experience high talent turn-over, poached either by higher pay package or better company benefits. At this point of time, many SMEs businesses cannot afford its employees. Not discounting those who are loyal to your company, but are in the danger of facing a burnout. That’s where Accordia Voice comes into play.

✔ Solution 1: Accordia Voice

Accordia Voice is a channel contact centre which can be subscribed to by Cloud or even On-Premise. A telephony software system that allows for more personal and productive phone support conversations. The system allows for your customer to reach you at any time, with a response. Hence, freeing your employee to manage more tasks efficiently and helping you save cost in Human Capital by hiring only the right talents for a more complex role.

Another point to note, is that the system allows for routing calls to agents or a customer representative equipped with specific skill sets. This is to ensure your customer has a better experience with skill-based routing services as some agents speak different languages, comprehensive product knowledge, and skill sets. Relevant to SMEs especially those with niche market within Malaysia.

Allowing for a more unified greeting and answers to your fellow customers. Maintaining your company’s brand standards.

“One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.” – Elbert Hubbard

⚡ Pain Point 2: Marketing on a Budget

It can’t be denied marketing is currently, and will be the tool to grow your company’s brand and raise awareness. If it’s not important, why then do established brands continue to pour-in millions in marketing strategy.

Having said that, the key word is “more funds”. As the business has currently reached a level where a minimum volume of sales have reached to sustain the basic operations but needs to grow more in order to expand further. The next step would then be investment in Marketing. However, most SMEs rely on running marketing campaigns with a tight budget using Social Media as the first choice of Marketing Tool. With a tight budget in marketing, every campaign counts.

How then would you address the support of customer service when the campaign is a success? Will you have the manpower to net every inquiry turning those into confirmed sales?

✔ Solution 2: Combining Accordia Chat + Accordia Social

Killing two birds or more with one stone strategy. These are tools which allow you to support by boosting customers confidence and cementing customer loyalty. Accordia Chatbots ,with live chat intervention on an omnichannel strategy is where you can reach-out to customers instantly.

Accordia Social covers channels on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp (WhatsApp Bot), Twitter, Instagram Message, and more. With the right personalization of customer engagement to upsell and cross-sell, it will help increase reach, conversions, boost sales, and ultimately revenues.

Allowing you to capitalize on Social Commerce in an effective way for your growing business.

⚡ Pain Point 3: The Limitation of Funds

With limited funds, planning the distribution of these funds in order to ensure operation runs smoothly at the same time generating profits is not an easy task for SMEs. Hence, making the right technological investment choice for your companies future is vital. At this point of time, you have moved past the band-aid type solutions for your company. Unlike when you first started the business.

It’s about sustainable investments for the next 5 to 10 years and beyond. You would want a technology provider as a partner who is reachable, reliable and with track records.

✔ Solution 3: Technological Investment – Accordia Desk

A sound investment, Accordia Desk presents a 360° view of your customer by integrating with any CRM via Accordia CTI as a bridge, our forte. We offer support from Malaysia, South East Asia as well as countries like Nigeria. Should you have plans to expand to these countries, rest assured we are able to offer support. Choose from the many choices of the best CRM solutions provider both locally and internationally-known.

Helping your supervisors to manage the team and customers expectations all within the same sphere. With the help of an omnichannel helpdesk ticketing system, you’re able to get better customer insights, such as customer demographic, the best selling products, the peak sales and more. With these details, you can plan for a more targeted campaign for the right demographic and personalize these product offerings.

It also helps to extract the right data with Smart Analytics and Reports. Monitor all channels in one place to achieve better business’s KPIs and performance. View analytics and data such as chat volumes, SLA status, user engagement, and more on a single dashboard to gain better customer insights for future product and services planning.

Why allow these pain points to hinder your business growth? Gearing up now for the future is a wise choice to make. Speak to us today.

Everything You Need to Know: Omnichannel 2023

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Everything You Need to Know: Omnichannel 2023

Studies conducted by ReportLinker show that “Global Retail Omni-Channel Commerce Platform Market” is set to reach USD 14.6 Billion by 2026. The US being the leading market to adopt the technology, followed closely by Europe, and it seemed Asia has been the slowest to adopt. However, the pandemic has accelerated the introduction and the idea of a full adoption of Omni-Channel Commerce Platform in these parts of the world, particularly here in Malaysia.

Despite its’ acceleration, and the proof of consumers purchasing through the rise in Social Commerce especially for SMEs, many local businesses are hesitant to integrate the technology in a full scale-holistic manner. What are the concerns?

It seemed the headwind faced by local businesses in adopting the technology fully are the major concerns of the investment size, or perhaps the lack of understanding on how Omni-Channel Platforms work, therefore dismissing the importance of what this very crucial investment entails.

Just as the English Proverb Quotes, “Time and Tide Waits for No Man” is the stark truth. Why should your business be the last to adopt this technology while losing out to capitalize on sales? With an anchor here in Malaysia, rest assured support is reachable with a local office.

The beauty of Omnichannel solution is that it can be deployed either by Cloud, whereby it’s hosted and managed by cloud contact centre solution on a subscription basis, or On-Premise which is fully owned and operated. Both are customizable solutions to an extent.

Deep diving a little into the world of Accordia Omni, an all-in-one easy to navigate Omnichannel Platform through Accordia Voice, Chat, Desk and Social. Breaking it down for you.

>> Accordia Voice • A telephony software system phone supporting conversations.

Evolving from managing traditional in-bound and out-bound calls separately, this system does exactly what you had in mind when you made the decision to upgrade the current one to a new telephony system for your company.

An advanced telephony software system that allows for more personal and productive phone support conversations. “Meaningful conversations and time saved” are the keywords that your customers will take away, upon adoption of this system.

How does it work? With an Integrated Voice Response, customers are able to reach out and receive a response to their questions day or night. As the system provides 24/7 interactive voice response solution that gives the option for your call centers to automate services and transactions that typically require assistance from live customer service representatives, via voice commands or touch tone key selection. Examples of scheduling of appointments after working hours, or even the simple task of tracking balance of payment for your customers leading to better collection in outstanding funds for your company.

More plus points are being more cost effective in the long run leading to better return of investments (ROI), personalizing messages, and gaining brand loyalty through superior customer service.

>> Accordia Chatbots, Live Chat & Social • A must in Riding the wave of Social Commerce

Make it a requirement to have Chatbots, WhatsApp-chatbots and Social Media reach, this would allow your business to scale to greater heights. A natural lead generator besides being a customer service engagement tool.

With one interface, the reach to customers would be instant via these messaging channels, connecting through web and voice in a single platform. Doing away with the need to switch from multiple channels just to fulfill the customers queries. More accurate information is provided. Again it helps automate your frontline support with consistent instant responses, and the beauty of multilingual chatbots especially for local markets. Escalating more complex queries to live agents when needed.

Capitalize on customers in real-time with automated marketing content, promotions, reminders or alerts. Accordia Social covers channels on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram Message, and more. With the right personalization of customer engagement to upsell and cross-sell, it will help increase reach, conversions, boost sales, and ultimately revenues.

A survey study conducted by Accenture finds that shopping on Social Media platforms is expected to reach $1.2 Trillion globally by 2025. Predicting drivers for this growth would be Gen Z and Millennial accounting for 62% of global social commerce.

>> Accordia Desk • Automated Ticketing System and more

An automated ticketing system that empowers your customer service to offer omnichannel support and enables various CRM integration ensuring quality interactions with your customers in a more personalized manner.

Having one CRM system and not the other, is what most companies are facing. But why then is there a slower growth as compared to companies in the US, in engaging CRM services? The reluctance in engaging with a CRM company that is not locally based might be one of the reasons. With Accordia, we have a physical presence here in Malaysia, and a dedicated team of sales associates to take care of you.

Presenting a 360° view of your customer by integrating with any CRM via Accordia CTI bridge would be our forte. Helping your supervisors to manage the team and customers expectations all within the same sphere. With the help of an omnichannel helpdesk ticketing system, it can also cut down on repetitive work and shift focus of your agent’s time to more productive tasks.

It also helps to extract the right data with Smart Analytics and Reports. Monitor all channels in one place to achieve better business’s KPIs and performance. View analytics and data such as chat volumes, SLA status, user engagement, and more on a single dashboard to gain better customer insights for future product and services planning.

As we have entered the last quarter of 2022, a decision must be made for your company’s future. Speak to our specialist, where we can help you to understand your customers better in achieving seamless communication and unified customer journeys.

How Does Chatbots Help the Logistic Industry Acquire New Customers?

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How Does Chatbots Help the Logistic Industry Acquire New Customers?

“Keep your Sales Pipeline full by Prospecting continuously. Always have more people to see than you have time to see them.” Quote by Brian Tracy, Author & motivational speaker with over 80 books.

A Chatbot is not only a bot that acts as the first line of defence on your communication channels. They are THE perfect ambassadors in promoting your company’s new products and offering. A natural “Lead Generator”.

In fact, engaging Chatbot services does not have to be limited to the preliminaries of answering customers FAQ, so much more can be done with a platform such as this.

Studies have proven, the journey is half won when potential customers seek help at your doorstep. As compared to scouting for entirely new customers through means of market place activities. Which may take time to be proven in terms of effectiveness of the marketing strategy.

Here are some ways on how Chatbots are able to help convert inquiries into sales!

1. Build Your Customers Trust

Customers expect 24-hour service for an instant response. Researchers have stated by 2025, AI is at the forefront of 95% customer interactions whereby live telephone and online conversations will be seamlessly connected. Therefore CHATBOT & LIVE CHAT FOR CUSTOMER SUPPORT is the first step.

As business owners, customer service managers, more so for IT managers in the Logistics industry, the involvement of this technology is especially critical to your business. The Chatbot is able to provide accurate information and is able to respond within the 24 hours clock, seven (7) days a week giving assurance to your customers.

Of course the backend Tracking process is enabled by Accordia Desk. Another great Ticketing tool for the management.

After all, building customers’ trust by ensuring accurate information is provided for in-regards to their parcel, journeying on the “Last Mile Delivery ” is extremely important in ensuring their loyalty to use your services on their next delivery.

2. You Have A Captured Audience

With the trust built by that single successful delivery, it then leads to the next step of sharing information or educating your customers. With personalization your patients will be able to experience the full service down to the very last detail of their history of checking in, or even what questions they inquired the last time.

Subconsciously your customers are experiencing brand recall exercises. Each and every time as they reach out to the Chatbot and receive a response, a Marketing opportunity arises.

In-directly or directly through a Chatbot, you have a captured THE audience at your fingertips! These chats are able to help to upsell, cross-sell, and it can increase reach by disbursing information about your hospital and the current services covering the 4P’s (product, price, place, promotion). What more can a Marketing or Sales Manager ask for?

3. Link-Up the “Last Mile” with an actual agent via LIVE CHAT – Close The Deal!

With a captured audience, you can then convert these inquiries into potential sales leads that ultimately grow your revenue. The next step is how can you Close The Deal?

When the fish has bitten the bait, that is the right time to link the customer to a Live agent through Live chat. A follow-up to a marketing campaign planned before. This can be done by offering instant response to the queries or promotions on a more personalized note.

Simply put, the best solution marries the best of both worlds. Where your team can utilize Accordia’s conversational bot, linking seamlessly to live chat. Whereby your agents can then upsell at a higher price point or cross-selling with your other services or products.

Opportunity in penetrating new accounts right at your fingertips. Chat is the gateway for new customer acquisition and business expansion opportunities with larger accounts and with existing clients.

Should you like to find out more on the versatility of Chatbots, Live Chat and WhatsApp Bot, click on this LINK and our experts will be more than glad to walk you through.

A Beginners Guide to Chatbot for Healthcare Services

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A Beginners Guide to Chatbot for Healthcare Services

” Eliza, the first chatterbot ever coded, was then invented in 1966 by Joseph Weizenbaum. ”

Amazing when one comes to think about the timeline, from the first ever chatbot created and three (3) years’ later, Malaysia achieved her “Merdeka” in the year 1963. Giving a healthy dose of perspective of the amazing ways how technologies have evolved thus far. Fast forward today in Malaysia, Chatbots’ presence can be felt, however the growth in adopting the technology in leading industries is still very much at its infancy.

Hospitals, healthcare management industries and pharmaceuticals in Malaysia should be the forefront industry to pioneer this technology. Seeing as how up to 73% of healthcare administration tasks reported by Insider Intelligence can be automated by implementation of Chatbot technology, the Human Resource department will be the first to rejoice! More ways to grow, and optimize the talents of fellow employees.

Read on below: A beginners guide to implementing Chatbot for your Healthcare Services.
Let’s Start with the Basics

By now, your customer service team (especially the veteran ones’) will be able to anticipate what are the few types of questions the patients or potential patients will first ask.
That’s why you should always start with Implementation of Chatbot That Can Generate FAQ choices.

How does it work? We work together with your team in finding out what are the “Frequently Asked Questions”, and proceed to automate them on Chatbot services. Easy! Saving the bulk of time for your team, and your patients for more important matters. Believe us, your patients will be more than glad to have their time saved, with accurate information gained.

Not only saving time in the process, through scripting FAQ replies powered by Chatbots you can control thus ensuring the “company standard answers (SOP)” are being upheld. One can’t fault a new trainee to sometimes give the wrong answer.

Connect me to a HUMAN please! Though it’s “only” a LIVECHAT through Chatbot.

We’re pretty sure you’ve been in one of these roles before. As a fellow consumer of services, customer or even calling in as a patient yourself, it is truly frustrating when calls go unanswered, dropped or connected to the wrong department.

The constant dropping of calls could also be the sole reason for some customers switching loyalty to a competitor hospital. What more when it’s really an emergency at that point of time.
The feeling of not being valued plays a strong factor when patients encounter these scenarios.

LIVECHAT Chatbots are the answer to all the above problems. We humans can discern once the Chatbots’ conversation switches from Ai to an actual Live personnel behind. The feeling of appreciation, and subconscious affirmation that your hospital is the right choice would be felt. Thus, indirectly you have gained a loyal customer.

A Fishing Net of Information

Just like a fishing net, through implementation of Chatbot you have another source of Data collection. We can create something like a fulfilment of information (covering PDPA of course), before the requester can proceed. It is true when they say Data is power. From the frequency of the selection in the FAQ, one can identify what are the services or products most patients look for. This is just one example.

Simple information are filled in the chat like name and contact details, is it a General Practitioner they are looking for or a certain Specialist, in which field is the most sought after, or more before they can proceed to the next stage of inquiry. Data such as these are valuable equating to potential clients at your doorstep.

There’s always room for Expansion

Once you’ve started with engaging our Chatbot services, you can then explore more on the different ways we can help automate. Not limited to front-liners only. Hospitals can plan marketing activities on a much larger scale. Marketing ideas such as health talk seminars, or special packages and ongoing promotions, or even blood donation drive, and etc via outbound dialler/ outbound call. How does it work? The campaign can be communicated through mass blasting via call to many customers concurrently.

As your business grows, allow us to grow with you, supporting you to greater heights. Just like how you are looking out to constantly improve the quality of health of your patients, we are constantly on the lookout to help improve your patients Customer Service journey with you.

Set an appointment with us today, Chat more with our experts.

Key to a Successful Contact Centre for Logistic Companies

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Key to a Successful Contact Centre for Logistic Companies

Logistic companies such as last-mile delivery should not ignore the fact that having a strong foundation in a reliable Contact Centre is part of the cornerstone that enables many legacy logistic companies to be where they are today.

Strike when the Iron’s Hot, is sound advice that many businesses in any industry attribute their success to. Hence, striking the iron with the ‘Key to a successful Contact Centre’ is a wise step to take in your business planning. More so now, when ecommerce is booming, and Logistic companies play an important role to both B2B and B2C customers. Simply put, they need you. However, with the boom in opportunities, give rise to new key players in this industry.

The question is how are you going to differentiate offering your services?

If you’re an owner, or the managing team of a delivery services and logistic company today, one would truly understand and can identify some of the frustration faced by the company, On The Dot Delivery Services.

These are some of the challenges faced.

On The Dot Delivery Services uses a traditional Telephony System to answer calls without any capability to monitor and track. Thus, unable to gather any data on answering service level and the number of abandon calls rating. These numbers are vital in order for supervisors to find out the main causes of complaints, and advice on Call Centre Agents performances. However, this is by far half of the problem. The company had to endure potential loss of business due to missed calls. How can the management tell if it’s genuine fault by their employees? Or a false accusation by a few scrupulous customers, seeking refunds or spreading negative feedback on social media. All this due to outdated technology, whereby the calls were not recorded for quality monitoring, and dispute management, as there is no proof. *The name of the logistics company has been changed due to pdpa.

What was the turnaround plan?

On The Dot Delivery Services invested in these measures. By implementing IP Based Call Centre solutions with Skills Based Routing for them to manage the calls effectively. Over a period of time, customers’ feedback became more positive, smoothening channels, and the overall moral of the staff was elevated. Boosting confidence and job satisfaction. The implemented programme does also have an Integrated Voice Response, allowing easy automation such as voice commands and touch key routing selection. Helping to ease call-in traffic being answered for long periods, or dropped calls. Overall, Accordia contact centre, within the system in itself has a Voice Recording functionality as well. Enabling for better performance tracking, training purposes, as well as customer response evaluation. Or as a proof in the case when there’s a grid-lock with a customer dispute. Thus, on a management level the ability to gather data, your PR team can have the tools to clarify certain extreme situations, and reward deserving agents accordingly. Of course proceed to rectify underperforming ones too.

One cannot emphasize enough the importance of a strong customer service team, and in order to have a strong team the investment in a technological advance Contact Centre is a must these days. Proven by data extracted from the chart below, published by Statista Research Department 2022, 73% voted for ‘Improving customer communication for customers’ as the main point in improving customer service for your last mile delivery.

Make your ‘Last Mile Delivery’ count.

Finding out more on what Omni Channel Contact Centre can do to boost your Logistic Company status is the key. The power of choice is yours to implement it either by Cloud base or On-Premise.

It can get confusing sometimes, as there are so many channels to pick and choose from. Engage with our associates. Let us diagnose your situation and advise the best customer support software with the right services for your needs.

The Importance of CRM for Logistics Company

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The Importance of CRM for Logistics Company

“Leaders win through logistics. Vision, sure. Strategy, yes. But when you go to war, you need to have both toilet paper and bullets at the right place at the right time. In other words, you must win through superior logistics.”
– Tom Peters – Rule #3: Leadership Is Confusing As Hell, Fast Company, March 2001

Conquerors of the past and present have always understood the importance of Logistics. Wars are won through intelligence delivered in the nick of time, turning a dire situation into a winning one.

In today’s world of Logistics and Transportation, the literal meaning has been turned into a different context entirely. Empires are built from the speed of delivery of parcels be it big or small, large or small quantity, and even transportation of humans. Traditionally the role of logistics is handled by the National Post, with time involved, there are chances for private logistics companies to flourish, thus starting an era.

Fast forward to today, ecommerce growth is at its peak, giving rise to gig economies, which in turn fuel the need for Logistics Companies handling daily logistic needs. Everyone would wish for a magic door just to receive their parcel immediately. But unfortunately, quantum leap has not been made a reality as yet. That’s where the ‘Importance of Customer Service” come into play.

“The Base of a reliable Logistics Company is a Strong Foundation in Customer Support”

Here are 4 Great Reasons Why Your Logistics Company Should Invest in CRM
Distance is your business; Customer Service is Ours

Should you already have a great delivery operations team, one must also think about investing in Intelligent Customers Service Framework. One that can support your operations team. Omnichannel is the answer to establishing a single seamless platform. Sometimes, your customer’s concern in regards to the delivery is not about the high-value of the parcel, it’s the assurance of the parcel which is of sentimental value where once lost it can never be recovered. How to give this assurance? By being able to reach your customer service agents pronto.

Logistics Business is Beyond Point A to Point B

It’s not only about delivering a parcel or a person from one point to the next. It’s also about assurance. Making it easy for a customer to check and track their parcel live, eases their worries, boosting their confidence in your services. With Intelligent Chatbots you are able to allow your customers to inquire, track or cancel their delivery.

Now Everyone can Own a Logistic Company. Win through Superior Logistics.

With the lucrative booming business of Logistics companies riding the waves of ecommerce, it seems everyone with enough capital can start one today. Hence, a strong reliable Customer Care Team is a game changer for your company to stand-out. Superior Logistics!

Budget Mitigation and IR4.0 Benefits

Also, talent acquisition has always been a challenge, your HR might hire and train customer service agents today, only to have them throw in the towel tomorrow. Thus, losing consistency in customer service quality. With our Knowledge Base (KB) services, one doesn’t have to worry. With better consistent customer service, you might even be able to add-premium services to your rates. Discerning customers will pay more for reliable services.

In order to encourage businesses to adopt IR4.0, there are government initiatives which you can also take advantage of such as SME DIGITISATION GRANT. Reach out to our associates to find out more. Set an appointment with us where we can answer any demo and more in-depth questions.

The Relevance of Contact Centre for Healthcare Providers

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The Relevance of Contact Centre for Healthcare Providers

“If you’re competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering.”
– Jeff Bezos (Founder & CEO at Amazon)

Healthcare Providers play a crucial role within their community and beyond. Be it government or a private healthcare facility, its role is crucial in ensuring the overall well-being of its community living within the area from a physical perspective or mentally. Being one of the ‘pioneers’ investing in customer-focused technologies such as Contact Center’s Integrated Voice Response (IVR) would be the way forward. Thus bringing to attention the relevance of a strong Contact Centre support, now more than ever to Healthcare Providers in Malaysia.

How can it help?
IVR allows 24/7 Customer Care support, whereby your call centers are able to switch to automate services for transactions that typically require assistance from live customer service representatives, which can now be executed via voice commands or touch tone key selection. Imagine the assurance you can bring to the community when they reach out to your customer call center and the deep first impression your call center is able to leave with your patients.

Can’t imagine how IVR works?
Here is an example of a seamless IVR managed Call Flow:
Thank you for calling St.Déborah’s Hospital. For emergencies, press 1. For Women & Children specialist appointments, press 2. For billing purposes, press 3, For operator assistant, press 0.

Customize your greetings, and options for call flow to related departments, thus preventing lost-in-translation calls, and frustrated customers. Save on re-training new hires for customer service, and upskill those to be taking on greater responsibilities thus contributing to the hospital overall. Last but not least, IVR is able to assist you to gather data on your patient’s behavior, such as call time, frequency, call resolution, etc. With the gathered data your management will then be able to make sound business forecasts better for the future, be it in addressing the patient’s needs or from a marketing strategy perspective.

Is there any relevant industry experience?
Allow us to share some of the frustration faced, based on a study of Healthcare providers’ current challenges in this area. The Healthcare provider is facing an un-trackable number of missed calls. Sometimes calls to Specialist clinics goes unanswered or are transferred to the wrong one, thus resulting in patient frustration, negative review, and ultimately a loss in business. The establishment is also lacking accurate statistics on how fast calls are being answered. The after-office hours for patients can turn into a fearful nightmare when there’s no self-service option, even during peak periods. After all, emergencies could happen at any time, even during odd hours. However, it’s a gain of loyalty throughout the duration of the patient’s lifetime for the hospital should their call-in experience is positively memorable.

“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.” – Sam Walton (Founder for Walmart)

In keeping with Standards
Thus with the above experience, on point, the establishment is seeking to revamp their patient’s experience starting with the Customer Care team. The first stark point to improve would be routing the patient’s call to the correct department.

Will you place your health in the hands of a hospital that time and again fail to transfer your call to the correct clinic or department? With the integration of the Contact Center’s IVR, the system is able to route callers to the right agents based on skillset. Thus, avoiding miscommunication. What’s more, being able to provide after-office hours customer service care without incurring additional costs would be an important factor to the bottom line. The system also enables the hospital to record agents’ calls for better performance monitoring and improvements thus allowing the training department to create a quality coaching program.

With the recording services provided, the hospital legal team is able to avoid customer unreasonable disputes. Supervisors can manage the team by monitoring the calls on a single platform. With the gathered data, as mentioned above, sound business judgment is now possible. Seeking to personalize each patient’s experience with flexible solutions. IVR is one part of the omnichannel solution provided, whereby calls and emails are gathered in a unified platform. Meaning in one single dashboard with a few clicks the agent is able to pull out patients’ data on billing, previous medical visit records, call logs, and more. Personalized experience within healthcare services is the common core value that every patient requires.

The local community will always reach out to the nearest healthcare provider when they encounter discomfort, a regular health check-up, or in the case of emergencies. Elevate your game.

Talk to our specialist and find out more about how we can help your Healthcare Establishment achieve a better patient experience.

Do Your Customers Trust Your AI and How It Can Help Your Business?

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Did you know? AI is now a new trend that offers a mixed bag of risks and benefits. Here’s what customers expect when you use it. AI is almost everywhere now; between our digital assistants, chatbots, virtual assistants, automobiles and recommendation engines across many spaces such as medicine, finance, insurance, manufacturing, marketing and entertainment.

Now, AI is spread even more into the healthcare, customer service and financial sectors to inform healthcare decisions, help customers resolve customer service issues, talk with us as companion bots, make financial decisions, drive autonomous cars and help employees make more informed and faster decisions. Many brands are already using AI and will use it more often as time goes on. But do their customers trust those brands’ use of AI?

Consumer Trust in AI Is Variable
Most of our customers are rightfully concerned that AI may pose the risk of being used for wrong or evil purposes. Artificial Intelligence has been featured prominently in so many science-fiction movies usually with negative influence. AI has been incorporated into the human consciousness and many consumers are hesitant to trust the use of AI in their daily lives.

That said, consumer trust in AI, at least when it comes in the form of chatbots, is still fairly high. A report from Capgemini showed that 54% of customers have daily AI-based interactions with brands and 49% of those customers found their interactions with AI to be trustworthy. That trust isn’t limited to just customers — employees also trust their interactions with AI.

The Importance of Transparency in AI: Explainable AI
The complexity of most AI and machine learning (ML) applications prevents most people from understanding what is going on. Even those who are part of the development process may be unable to understand all but the parts they are working on — the AI seems to exist in a “Black box” of mystery.

The complex nature means that AI is making decisions in real-time based on the insights it has discovered in the data it has been fed. AI allows people to understand how organizations use AI and machine learning (ML) to make decisions, predictions and insights and enables brands to be transparent in their use of AI applications, which increases user trust and overall acceptance.

It is useful for companies to look at AI through the lens of business capabilities rather than technologies, supporting three important business needs: automating business processes, gaining insight through data analysis and engaging with customers and employees. AI technology benefits big and small businesses as it helps them grow, ensures smarter decision-making and transforms the field of management. But how exactly does AI affect the business world?

Explore further and find a list of 10 ways AI can help your business grow.

10 Ways AI Can Help Your Business
1. Boost revenue with product recommendations.
2. Chatbots for enhancing customer service.
3. Create the best content marketing strategy.
4. Sentiment analysis to gauge customers’ emotions.
5. Powerful competitive intelligence.
6. Sales forecasting to grow your business.
7. Optimize your price.
8. Smart cybersecurity.
9. Create delightful In-store experiences.
10. Save time and reduce costs.

AI is not only for global tech giants and leading companies. AI is for every future-oriented business that aims to grow and stay ahead of the competition. How exactly you will use AI, depends on what your business is trying to accomplish. Make better decisions more quickly, offer transparency and explainability to create better buyer experiences.

With our AI chatbot, you get to do all three easily and in real-time whilst building trust in your customers’ hearts. Discover how Accordia chatbot can help you achieve.

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How to Automate the Front Office for Improved Productivity

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For the past five years, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and conversational AI have gained exceptional popularity, becoming top investments for companies helping to streamline productivity and efficiency in their offices while inviting better customer-employee experiences. Among the other benefits of RPA implementation together with conversational AI are process improvements, customer satisfaction, reduced costs and automating mundane tasks related to the business.

So it’s no wonder that, according to Gartner, organizations will be able to run 25% more tasks without human intervention by 2023. The idea of autonomy is achievable by using automation for front office, critical operations, infrastructure and data processing.

Two Reasons Why You Should Automate the Front Office

Customer satisfaction increases when automation takes place and followed with improved efficiency, effective sales and customer service. Front office automation can help by gathering customer data, responding to and updating customer inquiries or complaints, registration and security checks are often completed by a human, front-office team member.
RPA can complete these tasks with great speed and accuracy, vital for all other operations to serve customers efficiently and effectively. Two intriguing things about automation; it motivates employees to become more involved in their roles and within the business while enjoying the benefits of no monotonous tasks, fewer errors, reduced transaction costs and time plus better customer service experiences.

How Can Automation Improve Front Office Productivity?

1. Enhance Customer Service Experience
Brilliant customer service is essential to your business success and sustainment. Customers depend on and desire a seamless experience across any channel’s communication efforts. They expect you to extend great support, fast responses and simple solutions. With emerging technological advancements, customers these days are fond of quick responses to inquiries. Automation makes it easier to deliver the results customers want. The desire for fast response has led many businesses to invest in RPA and simulate human-customer communication. Automating repetitive tasks helps us achieve faster results, shorter wait times for customers, clear communication and consistency across all channels leading to greater customer engagement and satisfaction, better productivity, reduced costs, fewer errors and faster resolution for customers.

2. Improved Communication and Collaboration
Automation in the front office can encourage better communication with customers and other team members. RPA is deployed and instantly works by sending out automatic alerts or notifications. Companies can preconfigure these reminders or notifications and then employees can follow up with customers when needed or desired by the customer.
With these automated notifications, companies can inform customers of new products, services, or offers/deals on existing products. Excellent communication is vital for understanding customers’ needs, desires and opinions and position an organization to better foster these relationships. When communication is seamless, consistent and in-depth, opportunities arise for all parties involved.

3. Lead Nurturing
Keeping customers informed, happy and engaged across their buyer’s journey is the most challenging yet rewarding part of sales. To increase close rates and shorten sales cycles, it is vital to nurture sales leads with the best and most accurate information to ensure that customers are fully informed and understand the solutions, value and frequently asked questions before the sales team contacts them.
Automating the lead nurturing process ensures that all leads are attended to and followed up, all while delivering the right content. Companies can systematically and automatically track rates of engagements and send out additional content at the critical stage of the sales cycle. Automatic lead nurturing can eliminate some types of sales pressure, enhance efficiency, cut costs and allocate time to more valuable sales process elements.

4. Improve the Sales Order Process
The entire sales order process can be challenging. It involves various stakeholders and departments (including sales, customer service, finance, and analytics/logistics). It can involve
many applications, customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms, business processes management, accounting software, approvals, and workflow exceptions.
Sales orders are traditionally processed manually, which is incredibly slow, mundane and inefficient. A lot of time is wasted, and unexpected delays can reduce profits and annoy customers, resulting in loss of business. By automating order entry, your company can boost sales and marketing efforts, keep track of business growth and reduce the costs of manually performing these tasks involved in the sales order process.

5. Make Tangible Improvements
Without an implementation strategy, these automations can fall flat. The entire point of automating your front office is not to do things entirely, but to do things better. Employees can save vast amounts of time by not having to do the mundane tasks and can spend time doing more important ones. Front office automation can create improvements in that area first. Automation is incredibly accurate, which streamlines tasks and delivers the correct information to the right person, in the right department much faster. This frees up more time to focus on business growth, revenue, and innovations within the organization.

Communication and collaboration with the back office is vital. If both front-office and back-office tasks are automated, things can be done faster. They can take the customer service experience to another level and unify a business’s customer service protocols. Automation enhances team member engagement and productivity within the company. Improves retention to lower the total cost of ownership and improve a team member’s overall experience. It allows businesses to provide guidance, automatic approvals and coaching or training across multiple channels.
Collaboration between the front office and the back office ensures issues are resolved and experiences are personalized for customers. Automation can shorten the time it takes to address customer questions or concerns and it’s crucial to front office success.

Automating the front office can save your business money, enhance productivity, and improve the customer service experience. By implementing RPA and conversational AI such as a chatbot, team members are spared the tedious tasks and can focus more on customer-facing operations. Discover what a chatbot can do for your constant biz growth, placing a huge impact on customer satisfaction, responsiveness, and smarter customer service. Here’s more info on the benefits they offer.


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